Sunday, July 6, 2008

New York, New York.

i spent a couple days in new york, i got to see some pretty cool stuff. figured id share it with ya'll


Lake Lady said...

Great eye for composition! You'll go far, young man.

Tom said...

Hello Zach
Tom's resting right now, I now he will love these. I do.

Unfortunately Tom is on bed rest today and for the first time you are stuck with me. I have my orders to visit as many as I can, and make sure the links are working and everyone is being good. I am sure you are all being good.
Tom and I thank you for Sky-Watching this week. I am sure that as soon as Tom's heart beat settles down he will be back here and visiting.


Jane Hards Photography said...

How the hell did I miss these. Excellent cityscapes. You really do seem to have the photographers eye, and I peronally look froward to seeing more from you.